My Shop Items
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Round and round...
So just when I think I'm going to get myself back on track with my Etsy shop and my blog and all these fun things, well... along comes life. I know, if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans. Ok, so we ended up having to send my dad to the hospital tonight, via ambulance, which meant a visit to the ER and all that goes along. He was totally out of control, and something had to be done. Long story short, ECMC took good care of him, though it's still confounding to me that it would take six adults and a nurse to put an IV line into a man who is four-point restrained in a hospital bed. You could say he was slightly on edge. Anyway, I had some ideas for things I was going to write about on my blog, but right now I am exhausted and hoping that I can settle enough to fall asleep soon. Oh what a day!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sorry I've been missing...
To all of you who read my blog, my apologies for being away. I wanted to keep this site mainly about my work, but my life is so intertwined in that, that I find it's nearly impossible. My mom has been having a lot of trouble caring for my father the last few weeks, and so I have been spending a good part of my time over there trying to help out. For anyone who missed the intro, my father has Alzheimer's Disease. Unfortunately, because of the way his brain is breaking down, he's been violent. Now I'm scared of leaving my mom alone with him, because I never know what he's going to do. So, I have tried to focus mainly on taking care of my kids, my health, and helping with my dad. I have managed to get a few new things done for my Etsy store, so please check them out! But most other things (including the cleaning of my house) have fallen by the wayside). Right now we've got him some new medicine, though we had to go a couple rounds with the insurance company because they didn't want to pay for it. Yesterday was his first dose, so I'm praying it'll help calm him down. We will all keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. Thanks to all of you who are hanging in there with me... I know I haven't made a new post in awhile, and I promise I'll try to be better!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Opening Night of Racing
Friday night was opening night of racing at Buffalo Raceway, and the 7th race went very well for Mike and Sumi. You can see her blow by the doll at the head of the stretch by clicking on the 7 here to watch the race. Check out the look on Mike's father's face in the winner's circle. Sumaturo is his horse, and it's her first race of the year. He looks like the proud papa, doesn't he? And here at home, Hailey and I were jumping up and down watching the race on the computer... yay DADDY!!!!!
Ok, as of right now, I can't get this link to work. Mind you, I am no computer genious. However, I can still balance a chemical equation, though I have as yet had ZERO need to do this since my regents chem exam. I aced it, by the way. Anyhow... you'll have to copy and paste the web address, and then go to the 15th of February, and then to the 7th race to see the stupid horse win. But she did win.
Ok, as of right now, I can't get this link to work. Mind you, I am no computer genious. However, I can still balance a chemical equation, though I have as yet had ZERO need to do this since my regents chem exam. I aced it, by the way. Anyhow... you'll have to copy and paste the web address, and then go to the 15th of February, and then to the 7th race to see the stupid horse win. But she did win.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Well, after quite a long respite, I decided to pick up and start drawing again. I did some aceos, but those can't really be considered in the same catagory. Admittedly, the little cards I did are quick and meant to be inexpensive, so I didn't put a lot of time in on them. My drawing, on the other hand, took a little longer. I'm less than thrilled with the results. I was hoping I could have something worth putting up for sale, and I feel like I've fallen far short. Ah well, practice makes perfect. In any case, I am posting my drawing for the eyes of the world to critique. You don't have to be gentle, because after all, you can't say anything worse than what I've already said...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Yay ME!
I'm in a treasury on Etsy! I'm so darn excited that I had to tell you all! Thanks very much to ByHisStripes for selecting one of my photos, and here's the treasury link so that you call can see:
What a great day!
What a great day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Shop
I guess I've finally figured out how to add items from my shop at Etsy to this page. I hope they show up in the right place, after all, I'm new to this whole blog situation. <crossing fingers>
I'm making soup today. Again. I made soup on Monday. I was thinking as I was chopping (because Hailey finally realized that if she didn't take a nap today and give mom some quiet time she was really gonna LOSE it) about the merits of soup. Soup is like going home, which is why we like it. But have you ever noticed that no matter how many times you make soup "just like gram" or "just like mom" used to make, it's not really just like mom's at all? It's always different. I can sign my mother's name ( I learned that well in high school) and I can imitate her voice. I can mimic her mannerisms, and I know what she's going to say before she says it. But I can't make her soup. Soup comes from a different place than say, a batch of cookies. I know, because I've made about fifty thousand batches of cookies. It's creative in a totally different way. It's all the things you like put together and steeped on a slow and rainy day. Sometimes when I make soup, it's because there's too many leftovers in the frige and it's time to use them up. Those are the best soups, because they're not planned. I like that free and easy kinda thing, ya know. Hippie soup, that's what it is when you do it that way... soul soup. Very deep indeed. I find raising two kids is very similar to making a good soup. You can't measure every little thing, can't fret over the have this, don't have that little bumps in the road. You have to know when you need to hover, stir, watch carefully... and when you need to just walk away and let that pot simmer. You can put the basics in, but at some point, they're going to come together on their own, and be what they were meant to be. Kids or soup, that is, either one. My Dylan... he's a chicken noodle for sure. He's smart, creative, funny and sensitive. He's warm and caring, and just like chicken noodle when I'm sick, Dylan always makes me feel good. And Hailey... well... she's a pot of five-alarm chili lookin' for a place to happen. She keeps things interesting, and she keeps me forever on my toes, but as they say, variety is the spice of life. Anyway, I better wrap this rambling up, because I hear something boiling in the kitchen, and it's time to go peek in the pot, and give life a little stir.
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